释义 |
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Banks receiving national aid are likely to feel pressure to concentrate on domestic lending, and it will be hard for EU competition watchdogs to find the evidence to stop them. 接受国家援助的银行很可能迫于形势将放贷集中在国内,欧盟竞争监督机构也很难找到证据去阻止它们。 - 2
A government study recommended a national highway system of 33,920 miles, and Congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, centrally-controlled design criteria. 一项政府研究建议建设一个33,920英里的全国公路系统,国会通过了1944年的《联邦援助公路法案》,该法案要求制定严格的、集中管控的设计标准。 - 3
A government study recommended a national highway system of 33,920 miles, and Congress passed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944, which called for strict, centrally controlled design criteria. 一项政府研究建议建立一个33920英里的全国高速公路系统,因此国会通过了1944年的联邦援助高速公路法案,该法案要求为沙漠地区制定严格、集中管理的相关准则。