释义 |
1 ?市场购买力 ... Market, power 电力市场 market purchasing power 市场购买力 Market is power 市场就是力量 ; 力量 ...
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These incomes are converted not at market exchange rates, but at purchasing-power parities (PPPs), taking account of the higher cost of living in Japan. 这些收入不是按照市场汇率换算的,而是按照平均购买力计算的,把在日本更高的生活成本考虑了进去。 - 2
By pouring money into American securities, they're bidding up American purchasing power and, by happenstance or design, increasing sales of goods from their countries into the American market. 各种资金流入美国证券之后,美国人的购买力就增强了,这样,或是无意或是有意,就增加了美国的进口商品。 - 3
Converting currencies by purchasing power, rather than market rates, is useful when comparing living standards in different countries. 对比不同国家的生活标准时,采用购买力换算货币比采用市场汇率显得更有意义。