...知识分子面对的听众知识严重匮乏,并鉴于公共知识分子的激励和约束缺位,因此,认为能够依赖“观念的市场(marketplace of ideas)”以优化公共知识分子行为之假定,便显得愚不可及。
The subtle and intelligent little book The MarketplaceofIdeas: Reform and Resistance in the American University should be read by every student thinking of applying to take a doctoral degree.
"Eventually, people might become so sick of this that it becomes not cool, something people don't respect in the marketplaceofideas and emotion," says Thompson.
In return, you will be free to practice your own faith as you see fit - and free, as well, to compete with other believers (and nonbelievers) in the marketplaceofideas.