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action potential amplitude - 动作电位波幅:指神经元或肌肉细胞在兴奋过程中产生的电位变化的振幅。
1 ?动作电位振幅 ...而连续动作电位(action potential, AP)的形状发生显著改变,N组心肌细胞连续AP形态一致,动作电位振幅(action potential amplitude,AMP)峰值一致,复极化时动作电位持续时间(action potential duration,APD)APD时长一致,C组AP形态不稳定,AMP峰值大小不一,APD时长明... 2 ?动作电位幅度 ...离子电流的影响 作电位时程(action potential duration, APD)显著缩短(P<0.01),但对动作电位幅度(action potential amplitude, APA)和超射(over 长沙电脑网编辑:admin 点击量 : 上一篇文章: 中性粒细胞抑制吞噬细.. 3 ?幅度 心房肌动作电位的幅度(action potential amplitude,APA)也降低,给药前后分别为88。00±9。 4 ?动作电位幅值 ...0)明显延长(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);而且100.0和200.0mmol/L的乙醇还可使心房肌细胞的动作电位幅值(action potential amplitude,APA)降低(P〈0.05或P〈0.01)。
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Neither sodium valproate nor Verapamil showed any effect on action potential amplitude, overshoot, resting potential and phase o upstroke velocity. 丙戊酸钠和异搏定对动作电位幅度、超射值、静息电位、O期最大除极速度均无明显影响。 - 2
Furthermore, ds can obviously inhibit the action potential amplitude of isolated sciatic nerves in toads, indicating that it can block sodium channels. 此外,DS能降低蟾蜍坐骨神经干动作电位的振幅,提示它对钠通道有阻断作用。 - 3
In the presence of Dragon's Blood, the action potential amplitude of the bullfrog sciatic nerve was decreased, the conduction velocity was slowered and the refractory period was delayed. 牛蛙坐骨神经滴加龙血竭后,神经干动作电位幅值明显下降,不应期延长,传导速度减慢。