释义 |
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Subject: [AUTOREPLY] Re: healthcare reform chaos, approval rates plummeting, general sense of crisis – we need urgent new plan of action *now* 主题:[自动回复]Re:医改陷入混乱,支持率急降,已现全面危机--我们*现在*亟需新的行动计划 - 2
If the promised convergence and understanding does not result from the initial set of iterations, then action can be taken to either re-orient the project or, if necessary, cancel it. 如果承诺的沟通以及理解并不能从初始迭代产生,那么将可以采取行动重新指定项目的方向,或是如果需要的话,取消它。 - 3
For example, if there's a confirmation step between clicking on a button and the completion of its action, the button should be re-enabled even if confirmation fails. 例如,如果在单击按钮和按钮的动作完成之间有一个确认步骤,即使确认失败也应该重新启用按钮。