释义 |
1 ?账务之诉 账务之诉(action of account), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 2 ?帐目诉讼 ... act of war 战争行为 action of account 帐目诉讼 active arbitrage 主动套利 ...
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A small group of male regulars, consideredhot commodities because of their good looks, endowment, ethnicity orpersonality, also tends to account for a disproportionate volume of the action. 因其外貌出众、慷慨解囊、种族讨喜、个性良好,一小部分男性常客会被视为热点商品,他们也常常会引起活动参加人数的不成比例。 - 2
In this new era, when emerging markets account for two-thirds of global growth, concerted action by the G-20 is the only effective way to confront the challenges that lie ahead. 在这一新时代,新兴市场的贡献占全球经济增长的三分之二,20国集团联手行动面对未来挑战是唯一的有效办法。 - 3
Breaches of budgetary rules should be punished faster-by withholding funds from the EU budget or by fines, placed in an interest-bearing account pending remedial action. 应迅速惩治预算控制违规行为——通过扣交来自欧盟预算的资金,或者通过把罚金存入计息账户、直到采取矫正措施为止。