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1 ?马海毛纱 阿里巴巴为您找到10条mohair yarn(马海毛纱)产品的详细参数,实时报价,价格行情,优质批发/供应等信息。您还可以找毛纱,毛纱厂,张家港毛纱,毛纱批发,库存毛纱等产品信息。 2 ?毛海纱 ... 毛海纱|Mohair yarn 竹节纱|Slub yarn 强捻纱|Hi twist yarn ...
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Mohair refers to a silk-like fabric or yarn made from the hair of the Angora goat. 马海毛指的是用安哥拉山羊毛织成的仿丝织物或纱线,是本季最热门的女士毛衣面料之一。 - 2
The leaving sweater was made of scraps of leftover red wool-many different shades of red. And many different qualities of yarn, from mohair to raw silk to cotton and linen mixes. 毛衣由红毛线线头编制而成,毛线有好有坏、颜色深浅不一,有马海毛,有生丝,有棉的,由亚麻的。 - 3
We need 10% Mohair 30% Nylon 60% Acrylic or similar compostion yarn for export knitting , if you can supply, please let us know the count, prices and delivery. 我们需要用于出口针织的含10%马海毛30%尼龙60%丙烯酸线或相似组成的线,如能供应,请告知数量,价格,装运方式。