释义 |
1 ?困难 ... mnemi-, mnemo-, mne- 记忆 mogi- 困难 molybd-, molybdo- 铅,钼 ...
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Out of one deformed structure, a shopkeeper, Kanichi Mogi, emerges with a smile on his face and a computer under his arm. 在一栋扭曲变形的建筑外面,店主模地干一的脸上露出了笑容, 腋下正夹着一台电脑,他高兴地喊道,"我工作用的电脑! - 2
We have made the experiment of the influence of central main stress on the strength of marble specimens. The experimental result coincides with Kiyoo MoGi had got. 我们做了中间主应力对大理岩强度的影响的实验,结果与茂木清夫的较一致。 - 3
America was the perfect place to venture abroad, says Mr Mogi. It is open to new things and is willing to incorporate novel ingredients into its cuisine. 茂木先生曾经还说过,美国是国外风险投资的理想场所,这时候,公司也开始尝试研制其他的东西,并希望能够把把菜肴作为小说素材。