... in confidence:私下地;秘密地 motion of no confidence:不信任动议 to take sb into your confidence:向某人吐露秘密 ...
不信任投票 censure vote; motion of no confidence; nonconfidence voting; vote of no-confidence; vote of non-confidence 不信任妄想 delusion of infidelity .
Last week, the ATL teachers' union also passed a motion of no confidence in Mr Gove.
BBC: Teachers' union 'no confidence' vote against Gove
The motion of no confidence in Lesley Griffiths was defeated by 29 votes to 28.
BBC: Motion of no confidence in the health minister
Conwy council has passed a motion of no confidence in the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.
BBC: North Wales NHS: Betsi Cadwaladr no confidence vote passed