Objective To investigate the effect of 5-azacytidine on cardiomyogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs).
Bone marrow stem cells of young rats can form immature myocardial-like cells after in vitro culture labeling of 5-bromodeoxyuridine and induction of 5-azacytidine.
幼鼠骨髓干细胞经体外培养、5 -溴脱氧尿核苷标记和5 -氮杂胞嘧啶核苷诱导能形成幼稚的心肌样细胞。
AIM: To study morphological and molecular biological feature of differentiation of umbilical cord blood stem cells in vitro after induced by 5-azacytidine into cardiomyocytes.