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1 ?海生蠕虫 ... 海洋浮游生物 marine plankton 海洋植物群集 marine plant community 海生蠕虫 marine worms ...
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Any of various segmented, burrowing marine worms of the genus Arenicola, especially A. marina, often used as fishing bait. 沙蠋,海蚯蚓一种沙蠋属的环节穴居海生蠕虫,尤其是海沙蠋,经常用作鱼饵。 - 2
Any of various small, slender Marine worms of the phylum Chaetognatha having a narrow, almost transparent body and sickle-shaped bristles on each side of the mouth. 一种毛颚动物门中的,细小的海生虫,有细长几乎透明的身体,嘴的两侧有镰刀形的毛须。 - 3
Gellatly was curious about studies of male shrimps, Marine worms, and yes-human males-that showed that their likelihood of producing male offspring seemed to mimic that of their parents. 加拉·特里对雄虾、海生蠕虫——当然还有男性——的研究很感兴趣,这些研究显示,他们生产后代似乎是在模仿自己的父母。