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玛丽安,我。 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
"I hope, Marianne," continued Elinor, "you do not consider him as deficient in general taste." “玛丽安,”埃丽诺继续说道,“我希望你不要认为他缺乏一般的鉴赏力。” - 2
"That is an expression, Sir John," said Marianne, warmly, "which I particularly dislike." “约翰爵士,”玛丽安气冲冲地说道,“我特别不喜欢你那个字眼。” - 3
Soon after this, upon Elinor's leaving the room, "Mamma," said Marianne, "I have an alarm on the subject of illness which I cannot conceal from you." 说完这话,埃丽诺便走出了房间。“妈妈,”玛丽安说道,“我对疾病抱有一股恐惧感,没法向你隐瞒。”