... 博阿兹 boaz; bogaz; boghaz 米希尔 michiel; michl; mihir 阿兹米奥卢 azmioglu ...
米希尔·德赛 ; 米希尔·迪赛 ; 米歇尔·迪采教授 ; 商学院的迪赛
One of the more perceptive and well-argued critiques has come from journalist Mihir Sharma.
BBC: Why is India's PM Manmohan Singh under attack?
However, BBC sports editor Mihir Bose believes there is no chance of the Brazilian being sacked.
BBC: Scolari calls for Chelsea unity
"It is the worst of all worlds in many ways, " said Mihir Desai, a professor at Harvard Business School.
WSJ: Apple Pays No Tax on Much of Its Overseas Income, Senate Panel Finds