lowest tender to specifications 符合规格而索价最低的投标 lowest bidder(lowest tender) 最低报价 lowest tender to specifications  符合规格而索价最低的投标 ..
... 最低价格:bottom price 最低价递盘,最低报价:lowest bid 最低价的报盘:lowest offer ...
工程成本控制 Project cost control 最低价中标 The lowest bid 安全责任事故 Responsible for the safety accidents ..
He said contracts would not necessarily be awarded to those offering the lowest bid.
BBC: Female offender 'hostels' considered
An "auction" is held with energy providers with their lowest bid winning.
BBC: More than 6,000 join Surrey energy switching collective
The annual premium-support payment would be set at the second-lowest bid, and seniors who chose the cheapest plan would keep the difference.
WSJ: Joseph Rago: The Forgotten History of Ryan's Medicare Reform