释义 |
1 ?入料下限 ... 入料上限 top size 入料下限 lower size 可见矸石 visible refuse ... 2 ?粒级下限 定义 中文名称: 粒级下限 英文名称: lower size 定义: 给定粒级中最小的粒度。 应用学科: 煤炭科技(一级学科);煤炭加工利用(二级学科); 选煤(二级学科) 以上内容由 全国科学技术名词审定委员会审
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The author discusses some practical problems, such as magnetic force, matrix matching, selectivity, lower size limit, magnetic separator and matrix blinding. 本文从磁力、介质匹配、 选择性、 粒度回收下限、磁选机和介质堵塞等方面入手,探讨了应用高梯度磁选的某些实际问题。 - 2
The solubility of substance in non-solvent effect on the preparation, the lower solubility is helpful to obtain lower size, weak aggregation, spherical particles. 物质在非溶剂中的溶解度对纳米颗粒的制备存在影响,较低的溶解度有利于制备小粒度、弱团聚、颗粒球化度好的粉体材料; - 3
The results show that it is a reasonable tensile test method characterized by its convenience, uniform stress distribution, higher stability and lower size effect. 结果表明,该方法简单方便、应力分布均匀、试验结果稳定、尺寸效应较小,是混凝土一种理想的拉伸试验方法。