SHR - Shared mem size (KB) : The amount of Shared memory used by a task.
shr—shared Mem size (KB):此任务使用的共享内存量。
Mem Usage: the online help calls this the working set of the process (although many would call it the resident set) — the set of pages currently in main memory.
Mem Usage(内存使用):在线帮助将其称为进程的工作集(尽管很多人称之为驻留集)——当前在主存中的页面集。
Cached (KB) : of the mem used (KB), the amount of memory that is not currently being used but is immediately available for future memory allocations.
Cached (KB):在Mem Used (KB)当中,当前没有使用,而是备用于将来内存分配的内存量。