... 标签: Jean Young 地址说明: Rd 街道地址: Northgate ...
到2021年,轻轨线路将延伸至大学区、罗斯福区(Roosevelt)和北门(Northgate)站。 除了1.61亿美元的购买价格之外,华州会展中心将为可负担住房基金注资500万美元,为公共艺术提供450万美元。
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购物中心 ; 北门购物中心
Tesco said its proposals would bring "new life" to to the Northgate area of Bridgwater.
BBC: Tesco Extra store for former Sedgemoor Splash pool site
Tesco officials answered 27 pages of pre-submitted questions on proposals for a store in Bridgwater's Northgate.
BBC: Bridgwater residents 'insulted' by Tesco over store plans
The Northgate site is jointly owned by the county council and Sedgemoor District Council.
BBC: Tesco sign