The patient completes the initial form with all the required information (2.1) and receives back a list of choices matching search criteria (in blue).
患者提供所有所需的信息来完成初始表格 (2.1) 并将收到满足搜索条件的选择列表(蓝色)。
List everything that's blue.
Bill Townsend, CEO, Blue Source: "We have a customer list of 100-plus clients... They have a customer list of thousands. A company the size of Goldman is hunting for a really big supply."
Blue Source的首席执行官Bill Townsend说:“我们的客户名单上有100多位顾客…他们的客户名单上有上千家,像高盛这种规模的公司寻找的是真正的大订单。”