释义 |
1 ?低清晰度 冷前言则正好相反,意味着低清晰度(low definition),所供给的信息明确度低,其流传对象在信息的接管历程中需要发挥富厚的想象力,介入程度高。 2 ?低定义 ... What are you buying? ? 你要买什么? low definition ? 低定义 vrvda ta ? vrvda采取 ... 3 ?低的定义 so I think we can make it work if we try ? 所以我觉得如果我们尝试,我们可以让它工作 low definition ? 低的定义 she cones ? 她锥 ..
- 1
But there are some of problems in the algorithms such as the arrays with much more sensors, high computational complexity and inefficacy or low definition when applied to coherent signals. 但这些高分辨算法或者所需阵元数较多计算量太大、或者在求解相干源时算法失效和精度降低。 - 2
The definition of mental health problems used in the new study includes low self-esteem, poor self-confidence, and stress. 被用于这份新的研究资料中精神健康问题的定义包括低自尊,自信心薄弱缺失以及负有压力。 - 3
Basel 2 failed not just because it set the level of capital too low, but also because the definition of capital was too lax: Banks were allowed to include certain types of debt. 巴塞尔准则二之所以失败不仅是因为它把资本的水平设置得过低,还因为对资本的定义过于宽松:银行被允许在资本里包含某些种类的债务。