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- 1
They mumble, break all the rules of grammar, slur words and so on. - 2
When I ask how much they had to rely on their emergency store during the famine of 1984, they bow their heads and mumble a response before falling completely silent, their eyes welling with tears. 当我问及1984年饥荒时他们有多依赖他们的紧急仓库时,他们都垂下了脑袋,嗫嚅着,到了最后,完全没了声音,泪水夺眶而出。 - 3
Going back to language, think about what you make sense of when people speak: they mumble, break all the rules of grammar, slur words and so on. 再说回到语言,想想人们说话时你的感觉:他们咕哝、打破所有语法规则、吞音等等。