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中间运行 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Finally, while in the short run a global recession will be associated with deflationary forces, some ask whether we should worry about rising inflation in the middle run? 最后,尽管短期内一场全球性衰退将与通缩相伴,但一些人会问,中期我们是否应对通胀抬头担忧? - 2
Although the thread scheduler, in principle, may switch threads in the middle and run them in different order, it tends not to. 虽然原则上线程调度程序可以在运行的中间切换线程并以不同的顺序运行它们,但是它往往不进行切换。 - 3
In Hyderabad and its environs, 21% of the middle class run general stores, 17% tailor-shops, 8.5% telephone booths and 8% sell fruit and vegetables. 在海德拉巴以及郊区,21%的中产阶层经营着普通商店,17%经营裁缝店,8.5%经营电话亭, 8%售卖水果和蔬菜。