释义 |
1 ?周刊杂志等的 ...iddle age壮年, 中年middle brother [sister, son]三兄弟[姊妹, 儿子]中的第二个Middle Ages中世纪middle article(周刊杂志等的)文学性随笔, 中间读物middle dress水手服装式运动衣习惯用语bang in the middle [centre]恰恰在正中间in the middle夹在中间; 左...
- 1
The piece immediately shot to the top of the site's "Most E-mailed" list, where it hovered for days, along with an article about the latest conflict in the Middle East. 这篇文章登上了网站“最多邮件”排行榜的榜首,还呆了几天,它的表现和另一篇关于中东最近冲突的文章差不多。 - 2
In this article, the terms "Arab states" and "Middle East" are used interchangeably, to refer broadly to the Middle East and North Africa region. 在这篇文章中,“阿拉伯国家”和“中东”互换使用,泛指中东和北非地区。 - 3
This article focuses on the middle tier and the EIS tier.