定义 中文名称: 失神 英文名称: loss of vitality 定义: 人精神萎靡,神情恍惚,目光呆滞,反应迟钝,言语低微,面色无华,肌肉瘦削,或二便失禁等生命活动衰败的表现。 应用学科: 中医药学(一级学科); 诊
And if, with the lossofvitality, weariness increases, the thought of rest will not be unwelcome.
Through visiting to some old residential areas and collecting wishes of residents, a pressing problem is faced by the old residential area currently – the lossofvitality.
In fact, the movement can greatly enhance the effect of weight loss and, more importantly, it can help themselves to find the vitalityof life, this is the essence of life lose weight.