释义 |
1 ?丧失偿债能力 ... 偿债能力风险 insolvency risk 丧失偿债能力 loss of liquidity 最大偿债能力 ultimate solvency ...
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ABSTRACT: in this paper, starting from the active network loss formula, it reveals that the key to decreasing loss relies on minimizing the reactive liquidity of power grid. 摘要:首先通过有功网损公式揭示了降损的关键是减小电网无功流动性。 - 2
Firstly, basing on the microstructure of stock market of our country, this thesis analyzes the reason and course of liquidity risk, and constructs the risk index-loss value of price spread. 首先基于我国股票市场微观结构、交易制度的现实,分析了投资者进行股票交易时所面临的市场流动性风险产生的原因与过程,并构造了本文的市场流动性风险指标——价差损失值。 - 3
Credit risk (also called default risk) refers to the loss due to the unexpected change of the counterparty's credit quality, including credit downgrade, disability to repay, bankruptcy and liquidity. 信用风险又称违约风险,是指由于参与交易的对手信用品质的不可预测而导致的损失,包括信用降级、无法支付债务和破产清算。