释义 |
- 不讲道理:指失去理智,不合乎常理或逻辑。
- 失去理智:指情绪失控,无法理性思考或行动。
1 ?不讲道理 ... (It) stands to reason (that) … 是显而易见的;…是理所当然的;…是合乎情理的 lose all reason 不讲道理;违反理性 lose one's reason 失去理性;发狂,发疯 ... 2 ?违反理性 ... (It) stands to reason (that) … 是显而易见的;…是理所当然的;…是合乎情理的 lose all reason 不讲道理;违反理性 lose one's reason 失去理性;发狂,发疯 ... 3 ?失去理智 ... lose on the deal 在交易中亏损; lose all reason 失去理智,不讲道理; lose one's bearings 晕头转向,不知所措; ...
- 1
So, next time you feel extreme fear taking hold of you, causing you to lose all reason, remember to remain calm. 所以,下次当你感觉到极度恐惧笼罩了你,让你失去理智,记得保持冷静。 - 2
The real reason of mine machinery bearing lose efficacy by these analytical methods can be found, in order to reduce the fault of machinery and all kinds of losses. 通过这些分析方法以利于找出煤矿机械轴承失效真正原因,以便进一步减少机械事故和各种损失。 - 3
Any countermeasure is not imagines baseless, all propose to current situation and reason, otherwise the countermeasures will lose its relevance, can not solve the problems conscientiously. 任何对策都不是凭空想象的,都要针对现状和原因来提出,否则对策就失去了针对性,不能切实解决问题。