释义 |
1 [金融]?会员银行 第一,会员银行(Member Bank):每个环球银行金融通信协会会员国中,获有外汇业 务经营许可权银行的总行,都可以申请成为环球银行金融通信协会组织中的会员行,... 2 ?债权人会议 ... 会议 meeting of creditors 债权人会议 member bank 公司成员 Member of the european Parliament (M.E.P.) ...
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Reverse the process, and you have the central bank selling securities, lowering member bank balances, and tightening credit. 如果是相反的情况,中央银行可以卖出证券,减少会员银行的存款,收紧信贷。 - 2
The result is an increase in the member bank deposits with the central bank, which allows the former to extend some ten times as much credit. 结果是,会员银行在中央银行的存款数额增加,使会员银行可以将信贷扩大十倍之多。 - 3
What's essential about the Primary Dealer Credit Facility is that they're opening up the discount window of lending beyond the member bank to primary dealers. 一级交易商信贷工具中,最本质的东西是,他们将会员银行的贴现窗口,向一级交易商打开了。