释义 |
- n.形态化:语言学中,一个过程,指语音、语法或词汇的变化逐渐成为形态标记,用于表示语法关系或词类。
1 ?词位化 morphologically conditioned morphophonemic change 由词素决定词音变化 morphologization 词位化;词语化 morphology (1)构词学;形态学;语形学,(2)词法,(3)形态 .. 2 ?词语化 morphologically conditioned morphophonemic change 由词素决定词音变化 morphologization 词位化;词语化 morphology (1)构词学;形态学;语形学,(2)词法,(3)形态 ..
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Some terms involved in the process of morphologization don't have clear definitions, such as prefix, suffix, preclitic, enclitic, etc. 形态化过程中所涉及的前缀与后缀、前附词与后附词等术语界限模糊。 - 2
Some terms involved in the process of morphologization don't have clear definitions, such as prefix, suffix, preclitic, enclitic, etc. Their referential meanings are also confused. 形态化过程中所涉及的前缀与后缀、词头与词尾、类前缀与类后缀以及前附词与后附词四对术语界限模糊,指称意义常发生混淆和重叠的现象。