(4)摩洛民族解放阵线(Moro National Liberation Front,简称摩解):南 要军事理论考试了,最近的国际大事 要军事理论考试了,老师说要考一些课外知识,麻烦谁把2013年2014年最近的国内国际...
... Liqud Group(或 Coalition)(以)利库德集团 Moro National Liberation Front(菲律宾)莫罗全国解放阵线 National Party(南非)国民党 ...
One smaller rebel group, the MoroNationalLiberationFront, supports the claims of Mr. Kiram's followers.
WSJ: Malaysia Flare-Up Illustrates Volatility
The outgoing government of Fidel Ramos had similar hopes of success, and in 1996 signed a peace deal with the MoroNationalLiberationFront, the main independence movement.
ECONOMIST: Philippines
In the newly created Southern Philippines Council for Peace and Development, Misuari must ensure that fellow members of the MoroNationalLiberationFront do not get consumed by the corruption and patronage that is endemic to the political system.