释义 |
1 ?清晨一刻 ...有实验楼,办公楼 ? School there are 3 school buildings, and laboratory building, Office building 清晨一刻 ? Morning hour 目前我国离婚率居高不下,社会上单亲家庭、再婚家庭日益增多.
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I've noticed that it blooms only in the morning hour, the afternoon sun is too warm for it. 我早已觉察到了它只有在早晨的时候才会盛开,(这也许是因为)下午的温度太高了。 - 2
The morning hour is late, the bird sings in weary notes, neem leaves rustle overhead and I sit and think and think. 天已不早,鸟儿唱着倦歌,楝树叶子在头上沙沙作响,我坐着反复地想了又想。 - 3
But in the cold morning hour, crouching in the corner of the wall, the poor little girl was found: her cheeks glowing, her lips smiling, frozen to death on the last night of the old Year. 直到寒冷的早晨,人们发现一个可怜的小姑娘蜷缩在墙角里,她双颊通红,嘴唇上带着微笑,她已经在旧年的除夕冻死了。