英格兰的国务重臣(Great Officer of State)分九个等级:王室总管大臣(Lord High Steward)、枢密院顾问(Lord High Chancellor)、王室财物大臣(Lord High Treasurer)、枢密院议长(Lord President of the Council)、掌玺大...
lord high steward 上议院特别刑事审判长 lord high steward of england 1.英国皇家总管大臣。
Lord Mandelson has been offered the newly resurrected ceremonial post of High Steward of Hull.
BBC: Lord Mandelson picked for High Steward of Hull post
The Office of High Steward was originally created in 1583, the post holder must be a Lord and a Privy Councillor.
BBC: East Yorkshire city brings back ancient roles