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1 ?散毛 ... 从花羊身上取得的有色羊毛或白色中夹有其他颜色的毛。按所夹颜色的多少分为黑花毛、白花毛等。套毛 fleece wool =>散毛 loose wool =>边肷毛 skirting fleece,skirting ...
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When the universe was half the age it is today, dark matter formed loose networks of filaments stretching through space and time, like wisps of cotton wool. 当宇宙演化到离今天一半的时间的时候,暗物质形成一种松散的丝格状结构(状如棉絮中的细丝),遍布整个宇宙时空。 - 2
Felt for natural wool does not use interweave and the use of wool felting felted together, it is elastic, not loose, insulation, compact structure, good wear resistance. 毛毡用天然羊毛不采用经纬交织而利用羊毛的缩绒性毡合而成,它富有弹性,不松散,保温隔热,组织紧密,耐磨性好。 - 3
Do not use natural wool felt with the use of warp weft woven wool felting fulling made it flexible, not loose, insulation, well organized, good wear resistance. 毛毡用天然羊毛不采用经纬交织而利用羊毛的缩绒性毡合而成,它富有弹性,不松散,保温隔热,组织紧密,耐磨性好。