本房产位于新泽西州东部沿海的曼托洛金(Mantoloking),紧邻35号公路,所在的Curtis Point社区距离海滩只有一步之遥,随时就能感受海上的浪漫风情。
... 名称: Baran R 城市: Mantoloking 所属州: NJ ...
度假区如雨后春笋般在沿海地区涌现出来,上至曼特罗金 (Mantoloking)这样的贵族地区,下至大众化的长滩岛(Long Beach Island)无一例外。
Michael Becker, who owns an advertising firm, owns a vacation home on the ocean in Mantoloking.
WSJ: Dunes vs. property rights in storm-battered NJ
Mark Donohue, whose father owns an oceanfront house in Mantoloking, supports the beach protection project.
The demolition of the coaster was on the same day Prince Harry toured storm damage in Seaside Heights and Mantoloking in Ocean County.
WSJ: Ups, Downs for a Jersey Shore Ride Named Super Storm