... Multi-Channel Access MCA 多信道接入multi-channel access system without 无中心多信道选址系统 multi-access channel 多存取通道 ...
...(services)将有利于创建各种新的战略方案,包括: l 快速应用集成 l 自动化业务流程 l 支持多渠道服务(multi-channel access)的应用(包括固定设备和移动设备) SOA 可以促进在不同的软件间进行服务合成(service composition),无论这些软件是已有的还是...
It offers true multi-channelaccess to any application with virtually any device, including voice, and is the fastest, most cost-efficient way to start streamlining mobile business processes.
He envisages an authentication system that could be used to restrict access to some online content to those who subscribe to multi-channel television.
In addition, the acquisition will provide access to e-commerce storefronts and multi-channel selling services for AliExpress customers looking to reach consumers online through the Vendio Platform.