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1 [计]?循环子句 ... loopback 回送 loop-clause 循环子句 loop-free algorithm 无循环算法 ...
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The while loop, as was the case with the if statement, supports an optional else clause containing a block of program statements executed when the expression is False. while循环与if语句一样,支持一个可选的else子句,其中包含一个当表达式计算为False时执行的程序语句块。 - 2
For a while loop, however, this means the code in the else clause is executed once, after the loop is terminated (see the pseudocode shown in Listing 7). 但是对于while循环,这意味着在循环终止后,else子句中的代码被执行一次(参见清单7中的伪代码)。 - 3
Selecting any mapping statement in the Script Pane shows all source and target mappables referenced in the statement, such as mapping source, loop iterator, condition, where clause, and so on. 在Script窗格中选择任何映射语句,这将显示该语句中所引用的所有源和目标可映射对象,如映射源、循环迭代器、条件、where子句,等等。