释义 |
- n.疯人,狂人(loony 的复数);<非正式>一加元硬币(loonie 的复数)
1 ?疯狂弹球 后会无 后会无期壁纸下载 《疯狂弹球(Loonies)》(图片来自91)不过,考虑到《后会无期》目前仍在以每日10%以上排片量,一千多万票房的速度在入账,其最终票房超过《分手大师》挤...
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Thankfully it doesn't, otherwise we would all be running round as complete loonies with all these 'influences' flying at us from all directions. 幸亏它们没有,否则我们就会受到所有这些从各个方向射来的“影响力”而像疯子一样乱跑了。 - 2
In a constitutional convention, the questions will be complex and large.Who would present the evidence, if not the same loonies who cannot agree in the legislature? 而在制宪会议上的问题要大而复杂得多,当又一群疯子在议会内意见不一时,谁会来出示证据呢? - 3
In a constitutional convention, the questions will be complex and large. Who would present the evidence, if not the same loonies who cannot agree in the legislature? 而在制宪会议上的问题要大而复杂得多,当又一群疯子在议会内意见不一时,谁会来出示证据呢?