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1 ?麦罗特拉 麦罗特拉( Mehrotra),[美] 弗兰姆普敦 著
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The potential downsides of a physical are the money and people's time, " as well eating up a doctor's time that might be better used elsewhere, Mehrotra said." 潜在的不利之处就是钱和患者的时间,” Mehrotra说,另一方面医生浪费在这儿的时间如果用在别处可能会更好。 - 2
The institution of the annual medical check-up, intended to detect or prevent unseen health problems, dates back about a century in the United States, Mehrotra said. Mehrotra说,追朔至百年前美国进行例年医学体检的机构旨在检测和预防潜在的健康问题。 - 3
With the frenzy in shipping stocks, Amit Mehrotra, a Deutsche Bank shipping analyst who attended the Geneva meeting, was Fielding more investor calls last week than he had in the previous year. 德意志银行航运分析师amit Mehrotra也参加了日内瓦会议,对于火爆的航运股,他上周应付投资者的电话比去年还多。