释义 |
1 ?白鲸记 我读过《白鲸记》(Moby Dick)后,又回到高一上创意写作课。到高三时,我被获准用一半时间到斯坦福去上课。 2 ?白鲸 《白鲸》与《老人与海》主题 意义及象征意义的对比研究 英语毕业论文范文格式_论文天下网 关键词 :白鲸;老人与海;对比研究 [gap=618]Keywords:Moby Dick; The Old Man and the Sea; Comparison 3 ?大白鲸 小学教案:语文五年级上(北师大版) ... The Brothers Karamazov(卡拉马佐夫兄弟们) MobyDick(大白鲸) The Secret Garden( 神秘花园) ... 4 ?迪克 《白鲸记》是象征和寓意的,写一个捕鲸船长被大白鲸咬断了一条腿,便发誓要追捕这头叫莫比-迪克(Moby Dick)的大鲸,于是,人和鲸在茫茫大海上展开了惊心动魄的较量。
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It's Dickens in part, that stereotype of old London, of the urban working class, but it's not just Dickens. Moby Dick is here too. 这部分是狄更斯的作品,是对老伦敦、城市工人阶级的刻板印象,但这不仅仅是狄更斯的。《白鲸》也有在此。 - 2
Through the ages, American literary masterpieces, such as "Moby Dick" and "the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", have been peopled with eccentric, rootless outsiders. 多年来,诸如《白鲸记》和《费恩历险记》等美国文学巨著,都是写一些古怪的、没有根据的外人。 - 3
Starbucks, named after the first mate in Herman Melville's "Moby Dick", was created in 1971 in Seattle's Pike Place Market by three hippie-ish coffee enthusiasts. 星巴克,以住在赫尔曼·梅尔维尔湖的第一个商业伙伴的名字Moby Dick命名,由三个狂热的咖啡爱好者创建于1971年西雅图。