Sinopec is the world's second-largest refining company, behind Exxon MobilCorp. It is Asia's largest refining company.
On Friday, Exxon MobilCorp. became the first big company to lock in renewals, signing an extension for 20 years, with an option to renew, on three of its licenses.
上周五,埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil Co。)成为了首家锁定续签协议的大型公司,它将三个许可证的时间延长了20年,并有继续续签的优先权。
The U. S. already exports vast amounts of coal, and companies such as Exxon MobilCorp. are pursuing or exploring plans to liquefy newly abundant natural gas and send it overseas.
美国已经在大量出口煤炭,埃克森-美孚(Exxon Mobil Corp。)等企业正在执行或探索将新近变得丰富起来的天然气液化、然后出口到海外的方案。