... Long currency future contract 买入外汇约期交付的货物左券 Long Straddle 买入跨式部位,下跨式部位 Long strangle 买入差别履约价格的跨式部位 ...
(A)买入跨式部位(Long Straddle) B 67. 当停损委讬单生效(即市价触及停损价格),该委讬单即等于何种委讬单?
采用该策略 的投资者在以下情况中可能获利: 买入跨式套利(LONG STRADDLE) 构成:买入同价同期的call + put买权和卖权 当投资者预期标的资产价格隐含波动率上升或者价格 运动幅度增加时,可以运用买入跨式...
期权方面,可考虑在22600水平做Long Straddle (马鞍式长仓),以预防恒指及期指在短期内出现爆边走势。
The primary advantage of a long straddle is that you do not need to accurately forecast price direction.
FORBES: How To Profit With Long Straddles
These breakeven points are arrived at by adding and subtracting the price paid for the long straddle to and from the strike price.
As long as the reaction is strong enough in one direction or the other, a straddle offers a trader the opportunity to profit.