释义 |
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生物学 文昌鱼 Phylogenetic analysis suggests the amphioxus actin genes have clearly undergone extensive expansion through tandem duplications. 进化分析的结果显示,文昌鱼的肌动蛋白基因家族可能通过串联重复而发生了扩增。 蛞蝓鱼
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农业科学 文昌鱼 Healthy amphioxus with developed gonads were selected from Shazikou natural sea area of Qingdao in June 2008, and cultivated in our laboratory at the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences for more than one year. 健康的、性腺发育良好的文昌鱼采自于青岛沙子口海区,在室内进行周年培育。