释义 |
- 长条枕头:指长度较长的枕头,通常用于支撑脖子和背部。
1 ?同义词 ... 名词 bolster: 同义词: long pillow 动词 bolster: ...
- 1
Burying her head in her pillow, she would often weep a long, long time. - 2
He is sleeping with abandon, torqued into anunlikely shape as though he’s washed up on some beach, one arm over his eyes toshut out the morning, his long black hair splayed over the pillow. 他正在呼呼大睡,身体扭曲成与平时不同的形状,仿佛刚刚被海浪冲上海滩,他的一只胳膊挡在眼前,遮住清晨明亮的光线,黑色的长发散乱在枕头上。 - 3
Moved to scream, Marianela poured the little gentleman sweet anisette, which she kept under her pillow for extremely special occasions, and before long, he was dazed and stammering. 玛丽·内拉感动得大笑起来,她给这个小绅士灌了通甜型茴香酒,这酒是她压在她的枕头底下预备在极特殊的场合用的,不一会儿,他就晕晕乎乎的了,说话也不连理了。