释义 |
1 ?聚芳醚酮 本文在低温下变温检测了热处理后的1,5-萘环摩尔含量为20%的含萘聚芳醚酮(PANEK)共聚物样品产生的自由基ESR谱. 2 ?名字 ... 所属州: NY 名字: Panek 姓: R ...
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The competition between the groups became very contentious, Panek said, and they grew to dislike each other quite a lot. 两个团体间的竞争不可调和,潘尼克说,然后他们变得彼此反感。 - 2
The pocket appears on the oldest pair of jeans in the Levi's archives, which date to about 1879, Levi's historian Tracey Panek told HuffPost. 研究李维斯的历史学家特雷西·帕内克告诉《赫芬顿邮报》,档案显示,李维斯生产的第一条牛仔裤上就已经出现了迷你表袋,能追溯到大约1879年。 - 3
In Panek's new book, "The 4 Percent Universe" (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011), Panek recounts the story of how dark matter and dark energy were discovered. 在潘尼克的新书《4%的宇宙》(哈考特出版社,2011)中,潘尼克详述了暗物质与暗能量怎样发现的经过。