... multithread application program 多流应用程序; 多执行路线应用程序 named program module 命名程序模块 named user program 命名用户程序 ...
... 附名管 named pipe 附名程序模块named program module 附名记录型 named record type ...
For the DEMOMVS system that I used, I had to copy the WBCSCUSD load module to a data set named USER.LOADLIB and activate a PROGRAM resource for it on the CICSA CICS system.
对于我使用的DEMOMVS系统而言,我必须复制wbcscusd加载模块到名为user . LOADLIB的数据集中,并且为它激活在CICS A CICS系统上的PROGRAM资源。
System: the system includes a market analysis commissioned by the transaction module and the module, the local computer to download the program file named GXSE.