释义 |
1 ?似笑非笑 ...如同想起了什么,狠狠的发出了自已的眼光,倏地眼角的余光中(Yu)看到了大厅(Hall)旮旯里还坐着一个脸带似笑非笑(Nearest approach)的人,他记的,那个人刚来好久,也明白他不是一个甘居人下的人,固然而今还没有胁迫到自已的处所,但照现在的景象下去(Continue),他才... 2 ?最近会遇点 nearest approach 最近的逼近; 最近会遇点; 最近进场距离.. 3 ?最近会遇距离 ... nearest-neighbor最近邻 nearest approach(雷达荧光屏上)最近会遇距离(两船横交通过的最近距离) nearest approach〖航空, 航海〗最近的逼近 ... 4 [航 水运]?最近的逼近 nearest approach 最近的逼近; 最近会遇点; 最近进场距离..
- 1
That's the nearest approach to an apology you'll get from him. - 2
At its nearest approach, Juno will fly a 5,000 kilometers above the gas giant, nearly skimming its dense, swirling cloud tops. 在距离木星最近时,“朱诺号”将在这个巨大行星上空5千公里的高度飞行,非常接近木星上空浮动的厚云。 - 3
"Oh, of course you see only the Mingott side," his mother answered, in the sensitive tone that was her nearest approach to anger. “你当然只会为明戈特一方考虑了,”母亲回答说,她语气很敏感,眼看就要发怒了。