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Morisot, Berthe 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The Impressionists were the first formal group of professional artists to include women: Berthe Morisot and the American, Mary Cassatt. 印象派是第一个正式的职业艺术家群体,包括妇女:贝尔特莫里索和美国,玛丽卡萨特。 - 2
You'll see how Berthe Morisot could convey women's sense of boredom, sadness, and frustration. 您将看到如何贝尔特·莫里索转达妇女无聊,一丝悲伤和沮丧。 - 3
A master of tonal gradation and soft edges, he prepared the way for the Impressionist landscape painters and had an important influence on Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, and Berthe Morisot. 柯洛是精通色调渐层法和柔和边线的大师,他替印象派风景画家们开辟了一条道路,对后来的画家莫内、毕沙罗和摩里索影响很大。