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马奈,爱德华。 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Whereas Edouard Manet chose to paint Victorine Meurent in two of his masterpieces in the Louvre: Olympia and Le Dejeuner sur l'Herbe, she is of interest to scholars. 由于爱德华·马奈在卢浮宫的两幅杰作《奥林匹亚》和《草地上的午餐》中选择了维克多琳·莫兰为模特,学者们对她很感兴趣。 - 2
At first few understood what Edouard Manet, an Impressionist artist, and his followers were trying to do. 刚开始时很少人能看懂爱德华·马奈及其随后的印象派画家,不知道他们要在画中表达什么。 - 3
Edouard Manet died before his talent was truly recognised, yet he would later be hailed as a great master. 爱德华-马奈在他的才华真正得到公认之前就死去了。但是以后,他将被誉为伟大的艺术家。