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1 ?毛球 ... Belays the sheep hair bulb 套索羊毛球 One-sided sheep hair bulb 单面粘式羊毛盘 bulb of hair 毛球 ... 2 ?毛囊及毛球 ...一毛囊开口处伸出多根毛发,这些毛发共用同一个毛囊直到皮脂腺后毛囊就会分枝,此时每ㄧ 根毛发都会有一个毛囊及毛球(bulb of hair),通常这里面会有ㄧ根主要的毛发,并被许多附属或绒 毛的毛发所围绕;毛囊通常以三个为一组于皮肤内成不规则状排成一列,毛发伸出处的...
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As you can see, along the length of the hair, there are three main parts called the bulb, the root and the shaft. 如你们所见,顺着头发的长度可以分为三个主要部分,分别是毛囊、毛根和毛干。 - 2
The bulb acts rather like a cap—it encloses the end of the hair in the head. 毛囊的作用有点像帽子——它将发根紧紧地附于头皮上。 - 3
The hair is formed from cells just above the bulb, which also give rise to concentric zones of differentiated epithelial cells destined to form the inner and outer root sheaths. 毛球之上的细胞形成毛发,产生由分化的表皮细胞构成的同心环状区,形成内根鞘和外根鞘。