adv. (德)在早晨 | n. 摩根(旧时荷兰...
n. [化]莫能菌素
福布斯英雄(引进版) (美)摩根森(Morgenson,G.) 著,郑佩芸,张艳 译 / 上海财经大学出版社 / 2009-08-01 一个辉煌的企业背后,必定有一位非凡的领导者。
... 所属州: TX 名字: Morgenson 姓: Thomas ...
Further on Morgenson and Rosner introduce us to a money manager by the name of Marc Cohodes.
FORBES: Book Review: Reckless Endangerment by Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner
See Paul Sperry, The Great American Bank Robbery, and Gretchen Morgenson, Reckless Endangerment, among many other sources.
FORBES: Bill Clinton Fed His Flock Democratic Daydreams And Fairy Tales
Gretchen Morgenson complains that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac did a lousy job of pricing mortgage risk.
FORBES: Can Anyone Price Mortgage Risk Properly?