释义 |
1 ?一口接一口 ... Middle Class/中产阶级 Moreish/一口接一口 Mufti/便服 ... 2 ?让人爱吃的 ... more specific ins... 最特定保险 moreish adj. 让人爱吃的, ... more than meets t... 事情并不象初看到的那样简单 ...
- 1
Locals now consider Fried spiders a moreish snack. - 2
Dipped in a slightly sweet sauce laced with ground peanuts, it’s wholesome, easy and the very definition of “moreish.” 吃的时候须将夏卷蘸着酱汁吃,其酱汁儿稍甜,周围装饰着一圈花生豆。 健康卫生、简单方便、简直就是让人“吃了还想吃”的那种食物。 - 3
It is a country where the thrills and spills read like index entries from a modern-day Odyssey and where life is both as moreish, and occasionally as hard to swallow, as a bowlful of durian purée. 在这个国家进行探险旅行你会体验到惊险与刺激,就象经历现代版的《奥德赛》。这里生活之美好仿佛满满一碗榴莲浓汤一样令人回味无穷,同样,生活之艰辛又令人偶尔有食不下咽的感觉。