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1 ?镜下血尿 ...镜下血尿(microscopic hematuria):尿外观变化不明显,离心沉淀后,镜检时每高倍视野红细胞平均大于3个.
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Microscopic hematuria is a common reaction in post procedure. - 2
Results Among of the 7 cases, 2 cases skin and mucous plaque, 2cases dark stools and microscopic hematuria, 2 cases gingival bleeding and hemorrhinia, 1 cases brain hemorrhage. 结果7例中皮肤黏膜瘀斑2例,黑便及镜下血尿2例,牙龈及鼻出血2例,脑出血1例,7例全部治愈。 - 3
Complications in the most common microscopic hematuria, 48 patients(98%), 11 cases of perirenal small hematoma, 2 cases of perienal big hematoma, 1 case retroperitoneal hematoma. 并发症以镜下血尿最常见,共48例(98%),肾周小血肿11例,肾周大血肿2例,腹膜后血肿1例。